Loving Me

Above is a pic of the flowers that are left from the flowers I bought for myself a week and half ago. I have been wanting to buy them for over a year and this is how long it has taken me. I’m so glad I took the plunge. In therapy, I am working through self-criticism and self-hate issues. Knowing what my love language is, is helping me to be nicer and kinder to myself. I don’t think I could have start the journey of self-love without first figuring out why I don’t like myself. That has been another journey and a half but it all makes sense to me now.

This past January ( along with other daily journals I write in) I started something called ” Loving Myself.” Basically, I am cheering myself on and soothing myself when needed. I’m reminding myself who I truly am and that I am indeed worth loving and standing up for. I found myself having to advocate for myself and my importance and worth this week. I was sad and disappointed that I had to do it, especially since it was to someone who is supposed to love me. Nonetheless, I did it because I realize no one else will. I’m glad I did. I hope it worked.

So, do I love myself?

Not yet.

Am I kind to myself?

I‘m not hateful but I have come a long way.

Do I write in my Loving Myself journal everyday?

Yes, but if I can’t think of anything positive to say, I will remind myself that it’s ok.

Will I buy myself more flowers?

You betcha I will! 100%



Day 21: Living Loved ( What Does It Mean)

via Day 21: Living Loved (What Does It Mean?)

Today, listen…..listen VERY carefully…. there is a voice coming from ‘within’ speaking to your soul, mind and heart.  It is a voice that says, you are good, you are loved, you are accepted.  It is the voice of God in you.  Can you hear it today?

Mike Zenker


What a great message today.  Yeah, I’m late to finish but I still have a ways to go.  Enjoy this post and remember YOU ARE LOVED!

Day 18: 40 Day Grace Journey

via Day 18: Our Focus Determines What We Grow Into

FANTASTIC!  I love this post so much today!  Once again….it’s laid out perfectly.  On the other hand, I have to be careful I don’t see it as a to-do list.  Like Mike explains, this is what will naturally happen because of Christ in you.  That’s such a huge difference to me and yet when I look at it, I can see I am still a child mainly.  I see glimmers of a young adult and that gives me hope but I also can see why I am still at the child stage.  I’m ok with this, mostly.  As long as I see it for what it is then I will be fine.  I sometimes wonder if and how depression  can change some of this.  It’s hard to be focused on others when you are depressed.  You really have to fight your way through it.  Yeah, so I have some questions about it all, but that’s fine.  God is good with that.  🙂

Sitting here waiting for the snow.  We have a snow warning out but I don’t think we will get it as bad as they are saying.  I hope so anyways but if not…what can I do?  Shovel my way out I guess.

Have a super day friends.  Enjoy the end of another week!

Day 17: 40 Day Grace Journey

via Day 17: What it looks like to GROW UP

Man!  I look forward to being in this stage.  I love the idea of not searching for my identity anymore and knowing and understanding and believing that it is all found in Christ.  What a day that will be!  I love how the levels are laid out to see what is what.  That is how I understand things.

It’s a mild pretty day but we still have tonnes of snow and expecting in the neighborhood of 15-20 cm more.  I know I’m not the only one tired of winter, esp when we get glimpses of Spring in days like today.  It will come though…there is hope. It’s almost mid March.

Have an amazing day friends!

Day 16: 40 Day Grace Journey

via Day 16: You NEED friends in order to GROW!

What a timely reminder this post was today for me. As someone with much anxiety I needed to read this. I don’t think I have been focused on Christ very much at all for a long time now. I think about Him but I tend to focus on me and what stresses me out. The joys of depression. UGH! I need reminders like this to show me it doesn’t have to be the way it is right now, all the time. Christ is the author and perfector of my life and not only should I remember that but live like it too. It will make life much easier.

Have a super day friends!

Day 15: 40 Day Grace Journey

via Day 15: WHAT are you wearing??

I can’t help it but to start this off with ” what a GREAT post!”  It is so good.  I love how Mike describes the armor of God, not as putting them on in obedience so much as they are an affirmation of who we are in Christ, our true identity.  I LOVE it a lot! and

March 9 and our tonnes of snow still isn’t melting.  I’m antsy for Spring like so many other people I know.  It’s Day Light Savings this weekend and it doesn’t even feel like it because of the snow and cold.  Enough complaining about the weather for now.  🙂

My hubby and I are on our own again this weekend.  Our youngest is going to his brother’s for the weekend.  What a crazy place in life we are.  Have a GREAT Friday friends!


Day 14: 40 Days of Grace Journey

via Day 14: The Teen/Young Adult Stage

I’m so thankful I’m doing this journey again.  I had forgotten some really awesome stuff.  I like to know specifics of what I am learning and sometimes they aren’t specific enough for me.  I love this kind of topic where there are specifics.  I’m talking about the specifics of what each stage of faith involves.  ( sorry I used specifics so many times)

It’s a cold morning again but it is supposed to get nicer today and by the looks of the weather of the next couple weeks, it is looking good!  I’m so grateful for that.

Have a great day, friends!